Study of Pseudoternary Phase Diagram Behaviour and the Effect of Several Tweens and Spans on Palm Oil Esters Characteristics
palm oil esters, Tween, Span, Pseudoternary phase diagram, O/W emulsionAbstract
Palm oil esters are high molecular weight esters oil that has been newly synthesized by University Putra Malaysia researchers. It has received a lot of attention for its pharmaceutical and chemical application. The aim of this study is to study the effects of the palm oil esters with different HLB surfactant mixture on the ternary diagrams behaviour and to confine the various systems resulted from these combinations. These systems include traditional emulsion, gel area, transpernat micro-emulsion area, O/W and W/O emulsions. In this study, pseudoternary phase diagrams of water, POEs and non-ionic surfactant mixture of several HLB values were constructed using water titration method. The resultant mixtures collected after each addition and mixing of water were analysed visually, along with conductivity, dilution in water and dye test (methylene blue) to classify them as O/W emulsion (transparent and opaque) or W/O (opaque) and liquid or gel. As a conclusion, palm oil esters were found to be suitable for the formulation of different types of emulsion. Additionally, different HLB value of non-ionic surfactant(s) exhibited different pseudoternary phase diagram characteristics.
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