Effect of Freeze Drying and Spray Drying Processes to Amino Acids and Fatty Acids Contents in Haruan (Channa striatus) Extract


  • febriyenti Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Andalas, Padang-Indonesia
  • Nornisah Mohamed School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Mohammad Razak Hamdan Centre for Drug Research, Malaysia
  • Shahrizan Najib Md Salleh YKNTech Enterprise Malaysia
  • Saringat bin Bai @ Baie School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia


Haruan, freeze drying, spray drying, amino acids, fatty acid


Haruan extract was dried using two methods of drying namely freeze drying and spray drying. The drying principles of these two methods are different where freeze drying is a dehydration process by sublimation of the frozen water in the materials while spray drying is a drying process that involves heat. Haruan extract contains amino acids and fatty acids that may be damaged during the aforemention drying processes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the amino acids and fatty acids contents in the dried Haruan extract obtained from these two methods. The amino acids were determined using HPLC while fatty acids were analyzed using GC-MS. The study showed that the amount of amino acids in freeze dried Haruan extract (FDHE) was less than in spray dried Haruan extract (SDHE). Conclusively, some fatty acids were damaged by heat in spray drying process but SDHE still showed a higher total amount of fatty acids when compared to FDHE.





How to Cite

febriyenti, Nornisah Mohamed, Mohammad Razak Hamdan, Shahrizan Najib Md Salleh, & Saringat bin Bai @ Baie. (2014). Effect of Freeze Drying and Spray Drying Processes to Amino Acids and Fatty Acids Contents in Haruan (Channa striatus) Extract. International Journal of Drug Delivery, 6(3), 301–304. Retrieved from https://ijdd.arjournals.org/index.php/ijdd/article/view/255



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