Self-nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems of Valsartan: Preparation and In-Vitro Characterization
Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery System, Nanoemulsion, Valsartan, Enhancement of dissolution, poorly soluble drugAbstract
The main objective this study is to prepare and evaluate the selfnanoemulsifying drug delivery (SNEDDS) system in order to achieve a better dissolution rate of a poorly water soluble drug valsartan. The present research work describes a SNEDDS of valsartan using labrasol, Tween 20 and Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 400. The pseudo-ternary phase diagrams with presence and absence of drug were plotted to check for the emulsification range and also to evaluate the effect of valsartan on the emulsification behavior of the phases. The mixtures consisting of oil (labrasol ) with surfactant (tween20), co-surfactant (PEG 400) were found to be optimum formulations. Prepared formulations were evaluated for its particle size distribution, nanoemulsifying properties, robustness to dilution, self emulsication time, turbidity measurement, drug content and in-vitro dissolution. The optimized formulations are further evaluated for heating cooling cycle, centrifugation studies, freeze thaw cycling, particle size distribution and zeta potential were carried out to confirm the stability of the formed SNEDDS formulations. The prepared formulation has a significant improvement in terms of the drug solubility as compared with marketed tablet and pure drug, thus, this greater dissolution of valsartan from formulations could lead to higher absorption and higher oral bioavailability.
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