Expression, production and purification of proteinases from microbes
Expression, production, purification, proteinasesAbstract
Screening and expression of protease producing 66 strains of different microbes were obtained from the various places in Chennai, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. The isolates were positive on tyrosin caesin nitrate agar (1%) and thus are selected as protease producing strain. 11 of them belong to miscellaneous microbes. The microbial growth is revealed by the mycelial dry weight determination. Maximum growth is observed in the case of Bacillus (0.78 mg). Equally, the maximum growth is observed in Aspergillus sp. (0.064 mg), Fusarium sp. (0.62 mg) and Penicillium sp. (0.62 mg). Finally the enzyme protease was purified by column chromatography. The protein was characterized using SDSPAGE. Maximum protein content is observed in the case of Alternaria sp. (0.902mg) and Penicillium sp. (0.624 mg). Maximum proteinase content is observed in Aspergillus sp. (0.866mg). This results showed that microbes under study is a good producer of extra cellular protease, which can be beneficial for industries.
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