Asymmetric Membrane Capsule: New Prospects in Osmotic Delivery
Controlled drug delivery, Osmosis, Asymmetric membrane, in situ pore formation, Phase inversion, Wet processAbstract
Osmotic drug delivery remains an area of interest for its potential in answering many formulation related problems. However it suffers from a number of drawbacks which made it difficult to fully unleash this concept. With the advent of new technologies like asymmetric membrane capsules (AMCs); new doors have got opened in this field. Asymmetric membrane capsules are based on the concept of osmotic pressure but are much simpler to manufacture. Further, they can be suitably optimized by varying the parameters like concentration of pore former, polymer, osmotic agents and solubility enhancers to cater the specific needs of a particular formulation. The concept can be utilized to deliver a number of drugs belonging to different pharmacological categories. However the work in this field is still in infancy. Present review emphasizes on the conceptual as well as formulation related aspects of asymmetric capsules. It also addresses the developmental work done in this field.
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