In vitro evaluation o f Transdermal Patch of Palonosetron for Antiemetic Therapy
Palonosetron, Transdermal Drug Delivery System, Serotonin 5-HT3 antagonistAbstract
Skin is one of the routes for systemic delivery of drugs through various drug delivery system. A transdermal Drug Delivery System (TDDS) is one of the most reliable and useful system to deliver drug systemically through skin. Generally medicated patch is placed on skin for delivery of medication through it into the blood stream. The aim of present study was to formulate and evaluate Palonosetron transdermal patch in vitro that could be used for antiemetic therapy. The incorporation ofPalonosetron a serotonin 5-HT3 antagonist drug was envisaged. The TDDS was prepared by solvent evaporation technique and was evaluated for organoleptic characteristics and other physicochemical properties Thickness, Weight variation, Drug content uniformity, Tensile strength, % Elongation, Folding endurance & Moisture content. The in vitro permeation study of the patch was carried out through KesaryChein diffusion cell as barrier membrane. Phosphate buffer pH 7.4 was used as dissolution medium and the temperature was maintained at 37 ± 10C. The in vitro permeation study of the prepared patch indicated a time dependent increase in drug release throughout the study. The percentage of cumulative drug release was found to be 76.25% in 24 hours.The study shows a new approach to work in with Palonosetron.
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