Preparation of cyclodextrin nanoparticles and evaluation of its effect on the capacitation of bovine spermatozoa used in the in vitro fertilization
Capacitaion, cyclodextrin, nanoparticles, In Vitro Fertilization, spermatozoaAbstract
This study was conducted to produce nanosized cyclodextrin (NCD) and assess its effect on bovine spermatozoa during In vitro fertilization (IVF) to optimize the capacitation media for successful IVF. Therefore, four cyclodextrin formulations were prepared and characterized. Data analysis revealed the best formula (F2) showed a smallest particle size (15 nm), zeta potential (-37 mv), and higher yield percentages (95%) was selected for spem capacitation. Motile spermatozoa were separated from frozen-thawed semen by a swim-up procedure and capacitated in IVF-TALP medium with different formulae of NCD or CD or without treatments (control) and incubated for 3hours(hr) at 38°C and evaluated every one (hr) interval. Data analysis revealed that the formulation of cyclodextrin nanoparticles (F2) after (2hr) incubation in the media gave best effect on sperm capacitation and acrosme reaction (AR) and effect of sperm treated with NCD on fertilization rate was evaluated. The results showed that the proportion of Oocytes fertilized was increased significantly in F2 (60%) than in the control (35%), and cyclodextrin group (50%) groups (p<0.05). It could be inferred from this investigation that cyclodextrin nanoparticles can be used for biomedical interventions in bovine spermatozoa. NCD improve sperm motility, viability, and (AR), also fertilization rate of sperm treated with NCD increase. So NCD gave positive effect on sperm functions during IVF.
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