Quality control and standardization Of faca ® syrup
FACA syrup, sickle cell disease, plant powder, medicinal plant, quality controlAbstract
Sickle cell disease is a major public health problem. It is the first genetic disease in the world. FACA syrup offers an alternative treatment. It is a dry powder preparation of two components, the roots barks of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides Lam. (Rutaceae) Zepernick, Timler and Calotropis procera. Ait. R.B.r. (Asclepiadaceae). The product was developed at Institute for Research in Health Sciences (IRSS) from a traditional recipe used in Burkina Faso for treatment of sickle cell crises. This study aimed to establish physical-chemical, pharmaco technical and microbiological control parameters essential for the standardization of the phytomedicine. This valuation concerned specifications of moisture content, pH, the fingerprint by thin layer chromatography, pesticide residues, heavy metal content, microbial quality, and total ash. These charcteristics were determined by the methods prescribed by the World Health Organization (1998) and the European Pharmacopoeia 6th edition. The results have shown that dry syrups and reconstituted syrups were sweet, slightly spicy with a bitter after taste, a white room color and a faint odor. The density at the preparation was 0.985 and the pH was 5.93. After 2 months of storage in the laboratory, the organoleptic parameters of the reconstituted syrups have not changed. They were mold free, the density remained around 1 and the pH between 5 and 4. These parameters have shown that the quality of plants powders and this medicine comply with the recommendations of the European pharmacopoeia. Faca syrup may contribute to the better management of sickle cell disease in children.
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