A Descriptive review on various lipids and techniques used in formulation of solid lipid nanoparticles
Lipid, Nan particles, Biodegradable, Sanitation, HomogenizationAbstract
Solid lipid nanopaticles (SLNs) emerged in early 1990s as a next-generation drug delivery system, an alternative to traditional colloidal carriers like liposomeÊs, polymeric nanoparticles, emulsions etc. Their size range is between 1 to 1000 nm and their biodegradable and inacceptable nature make them less toxic and thus better suited to patients. SLNs have got potential applications in pharmaceutical field, cosmetics, clinical medicine and other allied sciences. Presently, formulation scientists have been focusing on SLNs as colloidal drug carriers for incorporating hydrophilic as well as lipophilic drugs. The ability to incorporate drugs into nanocarriers offers a new prototype in drug delivery which can be used for drug targeting. They hold great promise for reaching the goal of controlled and site specific drug delivery. Furthermore, SLNs have got advantage of being introduced in the body by oral, parenteral and topical routes. So the present review attempts to enlighten various lipids used in SLNs, manufacturing techniques as well as the potential applications through various routes for a variety of disorders. Furthermore, the manuscript also focuses on the fate of these lipids (constituents of SLNs) in the body and their way out (i.e. elimination).
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