Formulation and evaluation of once a day matrix tablets of Valsartan
valsartan, FT-IR studies, Caco-2, permeability, absorption enhancementAbstract
The objective of the research investigation was to design and evaluate the oral once a day matrix tablets of valsartan by using various natural matrix former gums such as separately. Initially natural gums are extracted and purified and their extracts are evaluated for their proximate phyto-chemical studies. Tablets were prepared by wet granulation method. The prepared tablets were further evaluated for physical parameters, In-vitro dissolution, and drug-excipients interactions are also carried out. The FT-IR studies revealed that there was no chemical interaction between drug and excipients. Among all prepared formulations, formulation F-8 exhibited precise controlled release of drug over a prolonged period of 24 hrs. The in- vitro dissolution data obtained for various formulations were fitted into zero order, first order, Higuchi’s and Korsymeyer - Peppas kinetic models. The optimized formulation displayed zero order release kinetics and Korsmeyer and Peppas equation give release pattern with values of (n = 0.9094) indicating non-fickian (or) Anomalous types of diffusion takes place through matrix of Gum Kondagogu. The optimized formulations F-8 was subjected to stability studies for three months at 400C/75%RH as per ICH guidelines and result does not shows any change in physical parameters and in-vitro release studies.
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