A comparative study of Okra gum on controlled release kinetics and other formulation characteristics of Tramadol HCl extended release matrix tablets Vs Synthetic hydrophilic polymers.
Tramadol HCl, HPMC E15LV, HPMC K4M, HPMC K100M, Okra gum, Matrix tabletsAbstract
The main aim of this investigation was to develop a sustained release matrix tablets of Tramadol HCl using hydrophilic polymers such as hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), in different grades (E15LV, K4M, K100M) and compare the various parameters against the natural polysaccharide Okra gum. The polymer proportions are used in different concentration in order to optimize the correct proportion of polymer to achieve controlled release profile. The matrix tablets were prepared by direct compression technique which is more industrially relevant. A small quantity of Carbopol was also incorporated in the formulation to give bio-adhesiveness & improved compression characteristics. The formulations were studied for pre-compression parameters and postcompression parameters. The in vitro drug release study was performed in 0.1N HCl (pH 1.2) for 1.5 hour and phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) were upto 12 hours. The study results revealed that the matrix tablet can be developed with the used polymers without any tablet manufacturing defects in optimized polymer concentration.. The polymers could control the drug release in various levels according to the concentration present in the formulation. The drug release profile was fitted with various pharmacokinetics models. The formulations showed the different degree of fit with different kinetic models. The drug release mechanism involves the combined process of diffusion, swelling and erosion.
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