Chemical Analysis of Gomutra Silasathu Parpam


  • B. Akila Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Sanatorium, Chennai-600 047, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • K. Manickavasakam Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha, Sanatorium, Chennai-600 047, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R. Shakila Department of Chemistry, Siddha Central Research Institute [CCRS], Arumbakkam, Chennai-600106, Tamil Nadu, India.


Spermatogenic, dhatura, antiepileptic, fulvic acid, gonadotropin, cancer


Gomutra Silasathu is one of the ingredients in many herbo-mineral formulations. It tonifies the activity of the seven body constituents (Saptha Thathus) namely plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductory fluids of the body. In Siddha system of Medicine, it is used to treat Nabunjagam (Erectyle dysfunction], to improve spermatogenesis, impotence and sexual desire. Silasathu parpam is prescribed for sopana skalitham [Nocturnal emission], megam [Veneral disease], premegam [Gonorrhea], koruku [Contagious ulcers], kiranthi [Glandular swelling]. In the present study Physico chemical analysis and siddha specification for Gomutra silasathu parpam was studied as a step forward to standardization. ICP-OES elemental analysis and the presence of carbon through CHN analysis were studied to support the spermatogenic activity and the therapeutic potential of the medicine.


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How to Cite

B. Akila, K. Manickavasakam, & R. Shakila. (2014). Chemical Analysis of Gomutra Silasathu Parpam. International Journal of Drug Delivery, 6(1), 88093. Retrieved from



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