n-vitro Modeling of the Release Kinetics of Micron and Nano-Sized Polymer Drug Carriers


  • Negin Razavilar Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta CANADA
  • Phillip Choi Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta CANADA


Diffusion, Continuum models, Swelling, Degradation, Micelles, Molecular dynamics simulation


This article reviews in-vitro modeling of the release kinetics of hydrophobic drugs encapsulated by polymeric materials. Major continuum models along with their assumptions and limitations for micron-sized systems will be considered. The dependence on the swelling and degradation for such systems will also be discussed. As polymer micelles have gained popularity in the past decades, applications and limitations of continuum models to such nano-sized systems will be examined. A different approach based on molecular dynamics simulation will be introduced


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How to Cite

Negin Razavilar, & Phillip Choi. (2013). n-vitro Modeling of the Release Kinetics of Micron and Nano-Sized Polymer Drug Carriers. International Journal of Drug Delivery, 5(4), 362–378. Retrieved from https://ijdd.arjournals.org/index.php/ijdd/article/view/215



Review Article