Formulation and evaluation of piroxicam suppositories


  • Mosbah. A. El-Majri Department of Pharmaceutical Industry, Faculty of Pharmacy, AlFateh medical University, Tripoli city, Libya
  • Rakesh kumar Sharma Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, AL-Mergeb University, AL-khooms, Libya


Piroxicam, In vitro evaluation, Macromelting range, Water soluble bases, Suppositories


Piroxicam suppositories were prepared by using water soluble and oil soluble suppository bases. All the prepared suppositories were evaluated for various physical parameters like weight variation, drug content and hardness, melting point, disintegration and macromelting range. Invitro release study was performed USP type I apparatus using Sorensen's phosphate buffer pH 7.4 as dissolution media. The suppositories prepared with water soluble bases were within permissible range of all physical parameters. In vitro drug released from water soluble bases (hydrous PEG and anhydrous PEG) was greater than that from oil soluble bases.


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How to Cite

Mosbah. A. El-Majri, & Rakesh kumar Sharma. (2010). Formulation and evaluation of piroxicam suppositories. International Journal of Drug Delivery, 2(2), 108–112. Retrieved from



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