Control the drug release of Levofloxacin by using different sustained release polymers in matrix tablets
Sustained release polymers, matrix formation, antibiotics, reduce dose frequency, reduce the side effectsAbstract
The present study is aimed to control the drug release, of slightly water soluble drugs like Ofloxain. It is a slightly soluble, highly permeable drug and the rate of its oral absorption is often controlled by the dissolution rate in the gastrointestinal tract. In this study an attempt was made to sustain the in vitro dissolution profiles of Ofloxain by using various sustained release polymers like carboxyl ethyl cellulose, HPMC K100, eudragitS100, sodium alginate, chitosan etc. Drug- Polymer Interaction Studies like FTIR, DSC were performed and results showed that there were no possible interactions between the drug and our entire tablet polymer. In conclusion, results suggest satisfactory result is obtained by F6.F7, F8 formulations so this type of polymers are suitable for prepare Ofloxain sustained release tablets than more drug release is controlled by eudragit S100 from all the sustained polymers, because compare with acidic medium the Ofloxain solubility is less in base medium so eudragitS100 could potentially lead to retained the drug release in of oral Ofloxain products in acidic medium.
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