Formulation and Characterization of Nano Lipid Carrier Dry Powder Inhaler Containing Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride and N-Acetyl Cysteine
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Nano lipid Carriers, Dry powder inhaler, cystic fibrosisAbstract
Nanolipid carriers (NLC) are developed as an alternative to solid lipid nanocarriers in order to increase the payload and to prevent drug expulsion. In this study, NLCs loaded with ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CIP) and N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC) were prepared and evaluated for its delivery to the lung for treatment of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.NLCs prepared by emulsification and sonication technique using cetyl palmitate (the solid lipid, 2%) and oleic acid (as the liquid lipid, 2%) and Tween80 (surfactant, 0.25%) showed smaller particle sizes (of199.1 ±1.859 nm) and relatively high encapsulation efficiencies (72.143±1.8 %.) and optimum zeta potential (-38.27 ± 0.384 mV).A novel DPI formulations loaded with the NLC containing CIP(CIP-DPI), NAC (NAC-DPI) and CIP/NAC combination (CIP-NAC-DPI) wereprepared by freeze drying method using Lactose (8%w/v) as a cryoprotectant. The DPI prepared showed good flow properties, prolonged drug release and improved stability.In-vitro drug release profile of CIP HCl in case of CIP-NLC showed 55 % release in 15 hours while it was 60% in case of CIP-NLCDPI formulation. Similar is the case with NAC formulations. Following intratracheal administration in rat model, the percentage of CIP extracted from lungs was 70.2% in case on CIP-NAC-DPI against 49.8% for CIP-DPI and 42.1% for plain CIP. This amount is about 1.6 times increase in CIP in lungs by co-administration with NAC. However, no appreciable change in the residence time of CIP in lungs after intratracheal administration of CIP-DPI and combined DPI (CIP-NAC-DPI) was noted.
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