Formulation and characterization of gentamicin-loaded albumin microspheres as a potential drug carrier for the treatment of E. coli K88 infections
Gentamicin, glutaraldehyde cross-linking albumin microspheres, antibacterial activityAbstract
Ion exchange resins are commonly used for masking of drug objectionable taste. Our work aimed to study the effect of this complexation on the drug stability and bioavailability in rabbits. In this work, paracetamol and ibuprofen complexes with indion 204 were prepared; drug stability and bioavailability from the prepared complexes were studied and compared with that of the commonly used commercial tablets Tylenol and Motrin respectively. The clinical protocol and information about drugs were discussed with a group of healthy albino rabbits. The results showed that tmax of both drugs were kept constant at 1.5hrs and 2hrs without any change from the reference standards Tylenol and Motrin respectively. The calculated pharmacokinetic parameters Cpmax, AUC(0-24) and AUC(0-∞) respectively for paracetamol were 0.431µg/ml, 3.535µ and 3.756µ from the prepared complexes in comparison to 0.494µg/ml, 4.083µ, 4.198µ from Tylenol, and 0.743µg/ml, 5.380µ, 5.559µ from the prepared ibuprofen complexes in comparison to 0.803µg/ml, 6.272 µ, 6.432 µ from Motrin. The relative bioavailability of both drugs from the prepared complexes were calculated using Tylenol and Motrin as reference standards and the 90 % confidence intervals of the geometric mean values for the test/reference ratios for Cpmax, AUC (0-24) and AUC (0-∞) were within the bioequivalence acceptance range of 80–125 % according to the European Guideline. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) indicated a significance difference between the calculated pharmacokinetic parameters for both drugs. From these results we can conclude that indion complexation of drugs significantly affects their pharmacokinetics and retards their bioavailability.
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