Controlled Release Ammonio Methacrylate Copolymer-Based Microspheres of Oxypentifylline
Oxypentifylline, Ammonio Methacrylate Copolymer RS100, Microspheres, Sustained release, Entrapment efficiencyAbstract
The objective of this work was to formulate and evaluate a controlled-release Oxypentifylline microspheres that fulfill the requirements for extended release medications using Ammonio Methacrylate Copolymer RS100 as polymeric material. The microsphere were prepared by quasiemulsion solvent diffusion technique. The effect of process variables such as drug to polymer ratio, stirring rate, and concentration of emulsifier on mean particle size, yield, entrapment efficiency and in vitro release characteristics of microspheres were studied. The prepared microspheres were spherical in shape. The size range varied from 325.45 to 518.54 µm. The microspheres showed high entrapment efficiency (94.22%) and the release was extended up to 24 hrs. The best microsphere formulation was selected and subjected for in vivo studies which reveal that the bioavailability of the drug increased by more than 3.4 times by formulating it into microspheres. This study indicated that Ammonio Methacrylate Copolymer RS 100 can use successfully to sustain the release of Oxypentifylline
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