Design and Invitro Evaluation of Modified release Valsartan Hydrogels.
Soluplus, Xanthan gum, Acrylamide, Hydrogels, diffusion, controlled releaseAbstract
An attempt was made to develop a novel cross-linked soluplus-xanthan gum-acrylamide hydrogels of valsartan by entrapping the hydrophobic drug initially in a novel polymeric solubilizer, soluplus and then hydrogels were prepared using Xanthan gum and acrylamide in as controlled release polymers in different ratios using methylene bisacrylamide as cross linking agent and Potassium persulphate as an initiator. The formulations were characterized by FTIR and DSC for compatibility, SEM for their surface morphology, swelling kinetics and in vitro drug release. FTIR and DSC showed no chemical interaction between the drug and the polymers. SEM revealed the surface morphology of the hydrogel systems before and after swelling. A significant difference of swelling behavior was observed in different media. But a dependence of the equilibrium of swelling on the pH was found to be higher in basic media when compared to the acidic. In vitro release pattern indicated that formulation 14 showed a better release of 88.27% for a period 24 hrs with 81% of swelling in phosphate buffer of pH 6.8. It was also observed that the release rate was found to be increased when the concentration of crosslinking agent was increased. The kinetic release pattern was further confirmed that it followed a zero-order non-fickian diffusion controlled release with supercase-II transport mechanism.
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The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) Guidance, Office of Pharmaceutical