Nanosuspensions: The Solution to Deliver Hydrophobic Drugs
Nanosuspensions, Hydrophobic drugs, nanospheres, drug deliveryAbstract
Most of the drugs are not soluble in water and they create major problem during formulation they also show poor bioavailability. Reduction in particle size of such drugs enhances the dissolution rate and bioavailability. Nano suspension a promising delivery used to enhance the solubility of hydrophobic drugs. Media milling and high pressure homogenization technique are used commercially to produce nano suspensions. Recently emulsion and micro emulsion as templates are used to produce nano suspension. They are administered by Parenteral, per oral, ocular and pulmonary routes. Now their application also extended to site specific delivery. This review describes the methods of pharmaceutical nanosuspension production, formulations and pharmaceutical applications in drug delivery as well as the marketed products. Nanosuspensions consist of the pure poorly water-soluble drug without any matrix material suspended in dispersion.
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